BTIS can also write more than just contractors now. Will do some small BOP stuff and a little work comp. Mostly they push AmTrust since they sold to them.
Greatfish is right. I do remember a recent emai saying they are expanding their appetite into non contractor for GL and BOP.
Their Work comp they will pretty much do it all save height exposures. Solons, Gyms, Grocery Stores, Fast Food, you name it, That may be a good way to get an appointment with AmTrust if you write a ton with BTIS. I dont know, we have had BTIS since I can remember, and we got a full appointment with AmTrust just over a year ago and before that Work Comp for several years. I cant remember if it came that way especially since we were a different agency then. All in all get a cluster that has FP and you will love it.
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