First Day on My Own.

Well, guys... after all my anxiety, I went on my own with appointments, and fill-in leads in PA.

Although I know this is child's play on this forum, I have to say it was pretty confusing, involved a ton of driving (which I thought would be worse,) and knocking on a ton of doors.

I had a woman who I couldn't close (I got the 'I have to talk to my kids" response,) had an unqualified woman with bad health, and, at last, closed an Advantra plan on an 81-year old woman.

A few questions:

When selling Med Adv, is it pretty routine to have to go through all their prescriptions in the prospective plan's formulary to ensure their tiers, or can I just trust the prospect's word that they are generic, if they say so?

Moving out of the OEP season, should I concentrate on Med Supps, instead of mastering Medicare Advantage plans, which will probably disappear in a few years anyway?

I've been reading lots of closing techniques, and everything basically encompasses a strong:

Warm Up
Fact Finding dialogue
Establishing needs
Presenting Solution

Trial close, trial close, trial close

Assumptive close


Feel, feels, felt


Any thoughts on how to make it through the first year?

From how it looks, I don't see how I can make 50g the first year with totally unqualified leads (other than the fact that they're over 65, and sent a card in.)
Ill be honest with you-I have actually tried selling Medicare and unless you are as you said-sat with qualified leads, or calls coming in to a call center for you- you will not make 50 grand in 1 yr--door knocking isn't the hardest thing in the world- I did it when I first entered Insurance Sales, it was a great was for me to get over he fear of speaking to people. But honestly, older people like experienced people, and no matter how much training you have, unless you feel comfy in that market it won't happen- but also, this is sales- you must invest in yourself- buy some qualified leads. I feel that most agents are scared to do it because they feel the GA or whoever should buy them for them. IT doesn't work that way. If you think you can make it then you should think you are worth investing in yourself. I personally found it easier to work with a regular underage health sales. I work with the terribly disputed agency people keep talking about on here, that I personally have alot of success with. I do underage health and on Monday sold about 15k in AP for health and another 8k today. I invest though. I spend probably about $900-$1000 per month to make 14 times that amount per month. I have 3 yrs experience in the biz- maybe a lil over. I am 23 yrs old, and still shock alot of people-as for going out to see people-the reason these companies send you out is because they tell you that 90% of all clients can't say no to you in person-Bullshit! I did it, and I sold yeah, but honestly, I sell almost 98% of all my business over the phone. and I do it by being honest upfront and keeping up with phone calls returning calls and getting refferals form my clients. You always Qualify-be prepared to hear No's, the more No's you hear, the closer you are to a yes, and there's no problem in letting the client knowing your expectation. You tell them-"hey the economy's tough right now so gas is coming from my own pocket- this is what will happen at the appt. WE will discuss the plan-do you have a checking abount? or a way to pay for the insurance? Great ! Because that is what is required if you decide to go this route-Or how good is your health? Go through the questions to make sure its a qualified sit down appt. ...but always know there's no such thing as the good leads or the bad leads, there is a difference in interested and non interested, but never good or bad- you are in sales-that is why you chose this proffesion you have to close the client- or let the client close you on why they aren't buying...Hope this helps good luck!
An agent friend of mine who is in his first yr of MA sales, is on track to make $150k this year. So it can happen. Now, he does work like 12-14 hrs a day. But it can happen if you want it to
Thanks for the past two posts - they helped a lot.

I doubt my Agency would let me buy my own leads, but I'm going to give it a try. Even if I fail, I can always go on my own. It does seem like something I can get used to, and seniors are nice people to deal with.

They seem to appreciate the visit, if nothing else, as most of them are widowed, and alone.

Also, MzSmith... how do you ask for referrals?

Also... does everybody follow MSA guidelines exactly? Like, if I contact a referral from a client, is there a good chance they will notify the MSA or DOI?
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MSI ? DOI? YOu mean Dept of Insurance? From what I can practically guarantee and do not know for sure, I don't think you get penalized for getting refferals. Hell, most people would give you a pat on the back if you are getting referrals. Referrals are just a name and a number that a client gives you to call. when they know someone is also in need of your help, and they feel comfortable with you as an agent. And as such, they tend to keep on giving you referrals until they absolutely can't or are upset with the company. On Tuesday almost 3 of my sales were due to referrals...some company took a big hit from Anthem, almost a double size increase in rates, so I replaced anyone who called me that wanted the info. Sold em all...:)..Referrals are good-why would you think they'd report you?
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As for asking for referrals you just say"So Bertha, I'm really glad that you were able to get all the help that you needed and we could give, do you mind if I ask, if you know anyone else who could use my help as well? Yes? Great how can I contact them? Great! Oh and Bertha, let me give you a few extra cards of mine incase you run into someone else who needs my help."--easy peasy--just don't be afraid to ask- thats the number one killer in sales, people are to afraid to ask the questions...
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P.S. I do apologize- I got into underage health mode- I forgot about the referrall thing with the Medicare supps---like I said I don't sell it anymore..but good luck!
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