First FE prospect

Umm EIWL is ROP + 20% last I checked

In a few states it's 30%/60%

Ak, ks, nv, pa ...forgot that part.
Kind of like how Trans graded is actually graded in Pa.

Ironically, I had been told by my previous upline that EIWL was 30%/70%. As there seems to be conflicting views among representatives of that upline, I figured I had better call the company itself. I just spoke with a UHL person, and here is what I was told:

The graded death benefit is the Guaranteed Issue WL (ROP +6%/+12%/+18%).

The EIWL is ROP +12%/+24%.

I asked if there are any states in which the modified death benefit is a percentage of the face, and I was told know. However, UHL's website and materials do say that for EIWL the death benefit during the first two years will be "a percentage of the face amount." And UHL, on the application, distinguishes between "modified death benefit" and "graded death benefit endowment." Again, when at my former upline organization, I was regularly told UHL had true modifed, which was a big deal because it also pays full comp for the modified and the modified took cases that previously had to go to AIG or Gerber.

In the end, it seems as though this would all be made crystal clear if insurance companies would define graded as one way and modified the other way and then applied the terms consistently.

Also, I did not come away from my conversation with the company feeling certain that I have the correct answer for PA.

Whaddaday! I'm DAZED and CONFUSED but still like that UHL product, though if it really is not a modified death benefit, I like it a whole lot less, especially given its pricing.
I don't know how to attach a picture but the underwriting guide clearly states it's a true created benefit in Pennsylvania And I just sent you the pic via text dave.
The UHL PA app looks different from any other App I pulled (I doid not pull
I don't know how to attach a picture but the underwriting guide clearly states it's a true created benefit in Pennsylvania And I just sent you the pic via text dave.

Thanks Chris ... I knew I had read it somewhere but for the life of me I couldn't find it. Good to know that the company reps do not know their product all that well.

I corrected my original post in this matter to reflect the 30/60 benefit and also added the condition "in my state."