Fixed Indexed Annuity On The News


1000 Post Club
Here is a short Youtube video I like on CNBC which a caller "calls-in" and discusses with the hosts of the show, Moneyline. Maybe it has been posted before but even these guys are fairly impressed with the results. You can still tell though that even though they are the hosts of Moneyline, they don't even fully understand annuities when they start talking about the penalties.

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great vid! i have an appt tomorrow where i'm planning on pitching an indexed annuity and a fixed annuity (client already has managed money with me exposed to the market and he wants to keep this money 'safe'. he's been rolling this 72k over for years in a taxable cd year to year...current rate offered is a whopping .50%)

hard to believe that the dude was even considering paying the penalty though to get out a few months early.

i also think suitability would play a factor here...what's changed in 5 years for him to be ok for an indexed annuity (not even a VA) to now wanting to get into the market? seems like he has been drinking the cramer kool-aid.
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I actually have this bookmarked in my iPhone and have played it for a handful of clients who seem to enjoy technology and mainstream media. I think in all cases, it was a great tool to use. Glad you guys like it. :)
Who is the woman, she is an ***? How many others started with $175k five years ago and still have it, much less $225k, and she has the nerve to bash annuities?

You can talk about market allocations all you want, but where most fail is the ability to ride the ups and downs. An annuity might not return as much, but if it gives you the nerve to ride the peaks and valleys, its worth it.
Who is the woman, she is an ***? How many others started with $175k five years ago and still have it, much less $225k, and she has the nerve to bash annuities?

You can talk about market allocations all you want, but where most fail is the ability to ride the ups and downs. An annuity might not return as much, but if it gives you the nerve to ride the peaks and valleys, its worth it.

i was thinking the samething vol...her offhand comment i think was more of a filler for her to say something. i don't think she was going for 'quality' of her words and focused more on 'quantity'. certainly taking advantage of airtime.

many people couldn't stomach equities in 2008 and pulled out (thus killing chances for rebound). i think this is where annuities are a great play. still gets some protection from swings and has a principal guarantee. not everyone is trying to hit it out of the park all the time!