Florida Judges Rejects Motion to Dismiss

Crabcake Johnny

5000 Post Club
Grab a bag of popcorn:

Judge rejects motion to dismiss lawsuit against health care law - CNN.com

"The ruling by Senior U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson means the lawsuit filed by attorneys general from Florida and 19 other states can proceed on questions of whether the health care law is constitutional in requiring citizens to obtain health care coverage or face financial penalties, as well as forcing states to expand Medicaid."
He actually called the Govt's defense of the law an "Alice in Wonderland" Defense.

Another link

This was the "defense" in which the Gov't argued - it's a tax!

No, stupid, it's not a tax, said the Judge. And because it's not a tax, it must pass muster under the commerce clause, not the taxing clause.

Yep, the whole regulating interstate commerce argument may not hold a lot of water with most judges. This will get interesting.

The elections will make a difference as well. It is unlikely that the right will fund this legislation.
I think the best reference would be previous major legislation that was later ruled unconstitutional. I'm sure there are recent examples - anyone?
I would imagine the first thing the Obama administration did - knowing full well the states would sue - would be to call in a few former federal judges and run it all by them. Pretty sure that was done.

In answer to my own question; major recent legislation (past 20 years) that was later ruled unconstitutional? Coming up with a goose egg.
I really hope somebody here (Winter, Somaro, Chumps, Rick) would state an arguement that would prove John wrong. I am waiting for the college try.