Florida PPACA ‘Navigator’ Grants Total $7.8 Million

To help educate the public on PPACA, the Health and Human Services department has designated $67 million in grants for enrollment and outreach workers. $7.8 million of this is going to Florida. Do you think this is a good use of money? If not, where would it be better spent?

Florida PPACA 'Navigator' Grants Total $7.8 Million |

If you assume an average of $25 per hour, a 40 hour work week, and a 6 month open enrollment period, this supports a total of 300 navigators for the entire state.

That's probably less than 10 per county.

If each navigator enrolled 50 people a week (that is way high), they will each do about 1,300 people during the Open Enrollment, or a total of 400,000 people.

The cost of each enrollment, using the above is about $19 per person.

These estimates are really high for enrollment, it will probably be half of that or less.

It costs the government $0 to have agents enroll people so why waste the money?
in Florida there are 67 counties so that puts only 4 in each county with and with 32 navigators positions left over for high population counties.... lol way to high of a guessimate for enrollment just on my thoughts because they can not offer advice on which plan to enroll in just give the facts of the plan... so how many people will think it over first and then come back to have help with enrollment.... complete waste of money