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The Wharton MBA Foundation Series consists of four core business courses — marketing, operation and information management, accounting and finance. Each of the four courses are set to begin on Coursera within the next few weeks and last from six to 10 weeks.

“These classes are highly representative of the core required classes in the MBA,” Managing Director of the Innovation Group Don Huesman said.

The idea began when several Wharton professors requested to teach these introductory level courses on Coursera. Huesman said that the University thought it best to link these classes together as part of the Foundation Series.

The Daily Pennsylvanian :: Wharton to feature core courses on Coursera

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Another great site to find online courses for free.
I don't quite get how it works ? Can you actually earn a MBA through Coursera or do you use it to get credits towards those actual universities ?
I don't quite get how it works ? Can you actually earn a MBA through Coursera or do you use it to get credits towards those actual universities ?

No credit, non-transferable...useless from a degree standpoint.
Public Relations ploy is all it is.

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