New Member
- 6
I'm aware this happens but shouldn't carriers take reaponsibility for their own UW? They're the ones who agreed to cover thrae clients. Seems unfair to say "we are only going to cover those we approve, and also if it doesn't turn out the way we want, it's your fault."
I know...real world vs theory...just a thought.
I understand the thought.. We've been meticulous in our efforts to screen our potential clients and place them in the appropriate markets. We take responsibility in that. Since we are independent, we place value in having other companies to look at and place risk with. Erie does have a captive sales force that run into profitability issues and super high loss ratios. We hear it all the time and wouldn't be surprised if this agent is captive with them. Our agency prides ourselves on low loss ratios. Kind of a badge of honor for us, even though carriers like Erie have told us to loosen up so they can pay more claims... which to me is insane to hear.