GI for Children? Not Until 2014

What do I win?

First prize, a dinner date with Al.

Second place prize, the entire weekend with Al.

If needed they can also run a standalone amendment

No need to do that. If O-man can issue an executive order overriding the Stupak language on abortions then he can do likewise on this. Or have HHS Sebelius write the regulation dealing with that law.

Regardless, once parents see the new rates for GI for kids the MSM will get wind and let the cat out of the bag.

On a similar note, did you hear that Henry Waxman is calling the CEO's of Caterpillar, AT&T, et al on the carpet for releasing information to the press and employees about their TRUE COST of Obamacare? Those hearings need to be on Fox.
Insurers Might Delay Covering Pre-Existing Conditions -

If Obama wants GI for children he'll have to start with a new draft back at the House.

Also, just as a piece of trivia which may not turn out to be trivia, the amendment could probably be initiated in the senate as well as the house. The constitution requires bills with revenue/tax implications to be initiated in the house. However if something is just a requirement with no implications for the budget or taxes and the CBO confirms that then the senate can iniate it.

I dont know how the bill was written on the GI mandate for kids so I dont know what the bells and whistles are that go with it as to whether it involves any federal revenue. THE FACT THAT NO IN WASHINGTON KNOWS WHAT IS IN THE BILL MAKES IT EVEN MORE DIFFICULT FOR ME TO FIGURE IT OUT.

What a mess.