Good News for Medicare Producers

I haven't sold any "gap" plans yet, like HI or CI for the reasons that Somarco and Rick mention. My logic hasn't quite held that they are bullet proof, and yes, gaps. Cancer and now the short term care plans look interesting. Short term, like a mini LTC type of benefit, up to $300/day, max 360 days. Haven't priced one yet.
I have clients with money who will complain when the OOP's hit, but too stubborn to get Med/Supp and pay the extra. They'll be OK, just I will hear about it, I know.
It may be hyperbole to put down agents who sell those, there's a right and a wrong way to sell anything, and yes, many people would need to be walked through a claim on anything other than a plan their provider would do the claim on for them. Good to consider.
I have taken enough financial planning classes to have the mentality of emergnecy fund/don't buy "junk" insurance. Can't get that out of my head.
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