Grandfathered BCBS plan discontinued, new offer major increase

He's our human version of google. But with useless results.

Look at Nat Gen, UHC, Pivot or IHC (in that order), if state allows it, and them.

Yagents, thanks. i have. I think no one in Missouri is

But i do appreciate LostDollar suggestion as there is some good info there.
Thanks for thinking of me, sorry I neglected this again. I've been dealing with stuff with my 83 year old mother since this started. She can't drive or anything, can hardly get around, I do everything, nobody else to do it. Kidneys are starting to not work the best, but they still work, and they found "something" elsewhere that requires a biopsy (and no openings until the 30th). Basically, just running around to a number of various appointments lately, 30 to 75 miles away, not getting much done besides that and chores.

Anyway, I was thinking about a scenario. All the short term plans limit pre-existing, at least for an amount of time. Since I don't know if the cysts in my hand are going to grow/are growing, I don't know if I may need to have them done. I could wait a while, but if it would severely limit use, or press a nerve or something, I'd be kind of stuck. And while thinking about it, I read this (just an example, read more too). Short-Term Health Insurance Isn't as Cheap as You Think I did see a number of reasonably priced short term plans from a number of companies, some for 3 years, but looking around, several people did have issues. I know that wouldn't always be the case, and no doubt some are good.

I know it might work out, but for now, I just signed up for about $600 Medica plan. Deductible is stupid, but "stuff" is covered "today" (well, after the 1st on the new plan) if something goes on, and I can look into it later on when other things aren't going on, maybe next year do something. I possibly could have done something else and gotten along. But, it's not ~that much more than what I've been doing, other than the stupid deductible. Could have done a little better paying more, but I'm hopeful not much will go on next year (crossing fingers). I can get $ if I need to, I'll just miss the old plan.... Probably stupid to do that, but it's done for now.
