Great week...

Thats what it would seem....but that would be yearly commish $250 a month and has to go thru underwriting....and the life could be $1400 but still needs to place....and if the health was with UC and you already have 6 placed on the books that $250 will be a $1,500 advance....good job....but the hard part is getting it placed and kept.....

The health commissions on that amount of premium are around $3000 and the life commissions on term life will be about $1400.
Mel, you are so right.

I've already decided that the "next time I grow up" I'm going to be a rich kid and not have to worry about all this crap.

I just wish someone had told me that a long time ago. :) Where were you when I need that advice?
Sti is right... You're not paid 'til it's in the bank account... That's why I sold another $6000 this morning in case something doesn't place... lol

Beth, it's really a numbers game.. x contacts= x presentations= x sales= x placed policies= x commissions. The x is determined mostly by the skill of the agent, but there are always things you cannot control. You also have to compensate for the time it takes to get paid on a contract like Sti was saying. I don't get paid on a thing until it is issued and placed...
I have a client right now filling out a $776 mo aetna online app....$9312 in av off one app and never left the house.....
It is a number game. If you think you can get a low amount of leads and sales talent will prevail you'll be very frustrated. After 4 years in this biz I've determined that I cannot sell health insurance. I have to generate the amount of leads necessary to run across the people who simply want to buy. That's not to say that sales talent doesn't come into play - but it's the difference between closing 1 out of 15 leads or zero out of 40.
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That's true... without the right amount going into the pipeline, it's hard to get enought coming out the other end..

I always hated hearing that numbers game crap when I was captive, but it's true!
15 leads a day for me on average, call and dump off 80% of them, schedule a phone appoitment to go over quotes and plans with the other 20%. Get stood up by half of those, and end up dealing with the interested 10%. All if all it's about a 2 to 3 hour day for me. I no longer work with anyone who doesn't convey high interest and make up for it with a flood of leads.