Group Benefits Consultant

Have you ever wondered if you could offer payroll services to your group Medical clients and get paid for helping set it up? See how can we help you retain your group medical clientele from take over by ADP or others.

kdr406...have you ever wondered why your posts keep getting moved and deleted? You're probably going to get kicked out of the forum for good if you don't figure it out quickly.
somarco...thanks for your feedback regarding general group health commissions-very much appreciated. To be more detailed regarding my question for the rest of the board, I want to educuate myself on group health because when it comes to comp I'm just trying to figure out what is fair and what this other advisor should be paying me. Also, if you were in my position what are some things I should be aware of?

moonlight&margaritas...I can completely understand your first impression, there are so many people out their trying to "church up" their business by saying their an advisor when their a glorified stock jockey or insurance salesperson...which, like you said is fine-just don't misrepresent yourself, I couldn't agree more. If I were in your marketplace in Florida of guys chasing the "rich sick dying" I'm sure I would second guess a lot peoples motives as well. Whether it's a business or individual I believe that financial planning without risk management is a bet. I actually have around 67 million of investments under management and I am associated with a large mutual life insurer because of the value they bring in non qualified deffered comp planning, SERPS, and buy-sell planning. Non statutuary actually is the best of both worlds between brokerage and captive...I have exclusive access to this company but can also offer any other product under the sun to meet my clients needs. With my payout with this mutual being 50% across the board but I get 100% when I use any other company...there is no incentive for me to point my cleints to this company whatsoever...I actually could make a lot more money just being independent! It's not about the commission in the short run for me though, its about doing the right thing and giving the client the best product. This will form trust with clients and a good reputation for me in my community.

Thanks to both of you guys for your feedback on not only this post but this forum...I've already greatly enjoyed reading your postings.

Man you sound like a CFP. Wait your ID says CFP83 ..:embarrassed:

Sounds like you trade mutual funds and sell life insurance though .. (hey thats what I do :swoon:)
What services are you providing to these groups to pick up AOR's?

On your 30 life groups you should be in the ball park of about $12,000-$14,000 per group.

Here is the thing you must remember. Your GA has built up his groups to reach a higher tier of commission on fully insured. That does not mean you will that higher commission.

If your working per head you might get $15 and the GA is getting $21.

You need to sit down with your GA and what he is going to pay you and if he has tiers to higher commission.

Four 30 life groups on AOR's is sweat so the GA should be happy with you.

Yeah I appriciate for sharing your Information here !!!
The "offer" post by kdr406 was blown off the "Learn to Sell Payroll Services" thread. I guess the moderators missed his post on this thread. This guy is definitley a PIA.:mad: