For those whom have sold or have heard other agents selling the Advantage Plus Plan (for the hospital indemnity and other bennies this product offers) what can you share?

I've heard mixed about Continental and am shopping this company. Any good, bad, and indifferent you can share I would greatly appreciate.

Also, how do the premium rates compare to Continental, if you know? Strict underwriting? I know Continental is strict with their underwriting and have heard GTL is a bit more flex. Do you agree?

Are commissions advanced or as earned?

Thank you in advance.

I've sold 7 of the GTL product since January 1st, 2012. 6 were to new people joining Medicare for the first time and they enrolled in a MA. Average premium was around $27-$30 per month for a $200 daily benefit, 10 days along with the ambulance benefit. None of them bought the skilled nursing benefit or the lump sum hosp benefit. The 7th case I sold was to a small group employer. They have a high deductible BC plan with a $175 daily copay for hospital. There were only 4 people in the group, 3 of which were below age 40 which is the lowest that GTL will issue. I've already had one lady use her GTL. She was hopitalized with pneumonia for 11 days. Her BC MA was $195 for 6 days plus $150 copay for ambulance. She's expecting $2,000 + $200 from GTL for the stay. She intends to use the extra money for her Dr. Co-Pays for follow up visits. She just got out of the hospital on the 25th.
Curious if anyone else has used this GTL Advantage Plus product and has feedback.

I've been fortunate enough to stay out of the hospital. Good thing because I don't have the plan. I'm investing the difference and taking my chances. :goofy:
Outside of trauma, lay low, get sick, hop on PCIP. Better advice, if that's the way you feel about it, is grab a $15,000 deductible plan.

I wish I could find a $10,000 ded car insurance plan and pay $10 a month.
I wrote a nice GTL plan on a couple who I filled out a Major Med application also. Went with a higher deductible and then added $500/day hospital along with a lump sum cancer rider. This product not only fits nicely with MA plans but also younger people (down to age 40) who have a Major Med with a higher deductible.