Hanover Insurance


100+ Post Club
any p&c agents work with them?

i would like to learn some more whether they are a carrier, franchise program, etc...

also what do they generally look for when signing on agents?
I misread your title...I thought you were offering hangover insurance...That is something I can get behind.
i saw their ad in rn. i am interested in working with them, but seems like there are very little information on their partnerships.
Good company for personal and commercial lines[

QUOTE=Blastr17;752225]They are a carrier and you need to get appointed.[/QUOTE]
I believe they're the parent company of many companies. Citizen's Insurance is with them.

In MI, their rate are the lowest when combining home and auto. E.g. got my home, 4 cars covered with them for $306/month.
Common mix up with this is Hanover vs Hannover. Two different companies. Hanover is a standard carrier for personal lines and commercial pckg/bop. Hannover is a carrier usually involved with MGAs and program managers as paper for a fronting agreement.

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Great company---top of line coverages---great package policy pricing---a real Sleeper of an appt.--some tell me they wany everything for a new appt---but IM part of a group and they get $5-10K a month. and they are very happy with that.