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What is considered harassment? A woman filled out a quote form on my site after finding me on her own. I contacted her and wasted an hour (question after question) educating her on health insurance for her to tell me at the end of the conversation that her best friend is an agent and she's going to use them for the plan I told her about. Great, I wasn't rude, told her if her friend was not able to help her that I could and gave her my contact info. I called today (it's been 2 weeks since) to see if she got what she wanted from her friend and she went crazy saying I'm harassing her and she's reporting me to the DOI for all the emails and phone calls. Literally screaming at the top of her lungs so that she couldn't hear me telling her to chill the f*ck out. She received a total of 3 emails from me in that timespan (norvax auto) and I just removed her from the auto-responder. Should I be worried at all?