Health Care Reform - Elderly Must Pony Up

Wouldn't it just be a lot easier to kill them off? I think that's what they did in Logan's Run, but it was a lot earlier than pensioner-age.

The original Death Race was pretty fun. Extra points for wheelchairs, remember?

Really, though, the best idea was Death Race (2008 version) where they sold pay-per-view to watch prisoners kill each other.

Uh, oh, that might give Obama another idea as far as the next target - Death Rows!
Get ready for:
  1. Long lines, especially during the first few years, just to see your family doctor
  2. Less access and longer waits to see specialists, and far less aggressive & far less comprehensive diagnostic services
  3. Significantly reduced access to more expensive drugs, diagnostics & newer treatments
  4. Significantly reduced advances in medical & drug innovations as money and incentives both dry up
  5. Much higher instances of denial of care, particularly to our elderly citizens, since 80% of costs are tied to end of life issues. Obama has already discussed "end of life ethical issues", so no one can claim to be surprised
I refuse to believe that Americans will put up with what they're about to get.

But...isn't the "waste and fraud" part of what's holding the system together? Geez, we already have a horribly high rate of unemployment. Just imagine if we get rid of waste and fraud in the health care industry. 20%, anyone?
Everyone knows health care in Great Britain is available to all citizens and it is free.

Or is it?

Apparently it is only free until you get old.

It seems the Brits can no longer afford to cover medical care for the elderly and are contemplating a one time charge of 20,000 pounds ($32,720) to pay for care.

Embedded within this issue is a very large issue that has not even been addressed yet in this country, and that is the issue of long term care. I am not sure that the British system makes as sharp a distinction between medical care and long term care for the elderly as we do in this country. Americans without long term care coverage (short of medicaid) is yet another issue waiting to blow up like a ticking timebomb and will constitute a future phase of the whole reform thing.
Reinforces my resistance to routine retirement. Disability is defensible. But not free lunch at 65+.