Health Carriers Post Losses From Rate Caps

Health insurance carriers are already reporting they are losing millions in profit from rate caps. Say goodbye to private health insurance.

This is exactly what Obama wants!

Health insurers post losses, blame state rate caps - Daily Business Update - The Boston Globe

Whats forgotten sometimes is these big bad insurance carriers employ people and do good things in their communties....can't keep employing people if they go out of business.....Too bad most of this junk is pure politics.
In the meantime they already filed for 2011 rate increases which are averaging 11% - which they'll get. This will be the fourth year in a row that rates will have increases 10%+.

So I'm a little lost here. Who thinks that over the next 10 years both individuals and small businesses can handle a 100% increase?

Heck, my auto carrier just tried to jack me 20% three months ago - said it was "my area." I dropped 'em like a bad habit that same day and ended up $10 cheaper than my original policy. No such luck for Mass. citizens.
I can only hope that when the exchanges hit in '14 I can buy some kind of cat plan outside of the exchange. I don't see any way I'll be able to purchase anything in the exchange. My feelings are that a plan for my family will start at $1,500/mo.
I can only hope that when the exchanges hit in '14 I can buy some kind of cat plan outside of the exchange. I don't see any way I'll be able to purchase anything in the exchange. My feelings are that a plan for my family will start at $1,500/mo.

That is the ballpark for a family plan in Maine's Dirigo program right now....The truly sad part of this mess is that the cost of healthcare is an issue we need to tackle...but the solution will involve more than just gutting health insurance....granted part of the solution would probably involve health insurance, cost of educating healthcare workers, the nations morbisity etc.....
Norwayguy: You have good ideas, but your hopes are a pipedream. Individual medical insurance market died already. RIP as of 2010. The American public is too stupid to demand repeal this piece of garbage and the bill is written to cattle herd everybody into the exchange, the government options. Again, tell me someone I am wrong. Sure the gov't can mandate in 2014 that everybody has to buy it, but even with the subsidies its too expensive. Massive welfare program. This "reform" alone will fundamentally change our country if the population allows its implementation. Unfortunately after people lap up the front end loaded benefits, in 3 years its over before everybody knows what hit them - a massive socialist bill.
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Norwayguy: You have good ideas, but your hopes are a pipedream. Individual medical insurance market died already. RIP as of 2010. The American public is too stupid to demand repeal this piece of garbage and the bill is written to cattle herd everybody into the exchange, the government options. Again, tell me someone I am wrong. Sure the gov't can mandate in 2014 that everybody has to buy it, but even with the subsidies its too expensive. Massive welfare program. This "reform" alone will fundamentally change our country if the population allows its implementation. Unfortunately after people lap up the front end loaded benefits, in 3 years its over before everybody knows what hit them - a massive socialist bill.

Healthguy....I agree with you that we will probably never be able to rid ourselves of this new entitlement....correction we will rid ourselves of this once the country has gone down the tubes and no one is willing to loan the US anymore money and that day is coming....My point was that healthcare reform was and still is needed....but like everything ole barry does is talk eloquently about something but rarely does he do anything....

Remember this year he was going to focus like a laser on jobs.....hummmm any jobs bills? (and yes I know Government doesn't create jobs) oooppps he and Holder need to comment on the new AZ law even though neither has read the bill...I get up every morning and wonder where my country has gone :(
I believe this country will turn around. Entitlement or none, we just can't afford it. So health insurance WILL come back around. Chad I think you revel in the hopelessness lol, why are you still in health insurance if you think it is so doomed?
Besides, I truly think people are beginning to wake up, and there is a forward momentum happening. Will it get darkest before dawn? You bet, but due to economics, socialized medicine isn't in our cards, atleast for very long (i give it 4 years max).