Health History

I have a prospect that is going to run into the same thing now. About 4 months ago, he thought he had chest pain - went to the doc and had an EKG. Results were normal, nothing found. He is a bar owner and has to move around kegs/cases etc. - doc said that he most likely strained a muscle, nothing more, nothing less. No other health concerns outside of the flu a couple years ago.

I am going to call pre screen for a couple different carriers prior to submitting anything. In a case like this, I think it is easier to have an APS ordered with the app - that will tell them anything they want to know.

In fact, I wonder if clients should write on the app that the company can order an APS just in case they forgot anything. I think that if the client requests that one be ordered and the company does not order one, the client would have a great legal case if the company ever wanted to rescind the policy due to omission. It may sound crazy but I'm serious - The client could write "to the best of my knowledge, I have listed any and all medical conditions pertaining to me over the past "X" years - however, to be absolutely sure, please request an APS for you underwriting records".'s just a thought. P.S. about 4 or 5 years ago, I too had chest pain and had an EKG run - everything came out normal and the doc gave me the same result - most likely a strained chest muscle. If an underwriter wanted the diagnostic code, I would have no idea under the sun what the code would be.
Most good underwriters will want to know details of the herniated disk. Some carriers will simply refuse to cover someone with a herniated disk while others will . . . God forbid . . . place a RIDER on the back.

Sometimes if there has been enough separation in time from the herniation and there has been no treatment in the past 3 years it will fly through.

It doesn't matter if the earlier claim was paid by the auto carrier or not. If future problems arise the health carrier & the auto carrier will get in a pissing match over who is responsible (unless the health carrier has addressed that already via a . . . RIDER).
Barry, chest pain can be any number of things from heartburn to a strained muscle in the chest or abdominal area. It can also be angina, a "stitch" that just wont go away, etc.

A clean EKG should suffice.

Some carriers order an APS at the drop of a hat while others are more judicious. If you client orders it just know that docs want anywhere from $40 - $85 for the information. SOMETIMES you can get the carrier to pay it if the client ordered it but not always. Some carriers will accept the information direct from the client; others don't want the info that way just in case someone decided to sanitize it before sending it on.

Most folks are not going to know ICD9 codes but if they have a UB82 it might be on there.
If there is some quetion about what might be needed, I get the client to order a copy of his medical records, a smart thing to do to keep on file and make sure there are no mistakes. I have found that most docs and facilities will give the patient a copy of their records.
Assurant's not a great place to put clients who run to the doctor complaining about some symptom yet never ends of with a diagnosis. It's a very rough ride.