Health Insurance Apps with "no money down"?


100+ Post Club
How do you submit apps with no money down? I seen that advertised on Johns door hangers and also on some local health insurance agents ads. I was always under the assumption that the first months premium had to be submitted with all health insurance applications?
How do you submit apps with no money down? I seen that advertised on Johns door hangers and also on some local health insurance agents ads. I was always under the assumption that the first months premium had to be submitted with all health insurance applications?

Assurant offers a COD option here in MD. I am not sure if that is across the board.
Assurant has quarterly which is no money down, same as Blue Cross here which will bill you after you're approved. Submitting apps with no billing info at all is important to some people.

Also, Aetna, Assurant, Blue Cross, and Kaiser won't debit your account even if you provide billing information until the policy is approved. That's no money down. Just in case an adverse underwriting decision comes out the client doesn't want to accept they don't have to wait for a refund.

Golden Rule is the only carrier in my state that requires money down. Oh...and Mega.
Golden Rule is the only company I know of that will debit your CC or checking account before underwriting is started.