Health Insurance Companies Will No Longer Write Child-only Po

I don't believe the folks up there are that bright to have planned ANYTHING.

On most issues I grant you that.....But I can't believe that some one in the leadership didn't think about the fact that if all the benefits did not take effect until 2014 that it wouldn't help them in the election much so the put in some stuff to start in end of september.....Maybe I only see evil political moves in most anything a politician does and that includes republicans.
Adding benefits for children in September was a political ploy designed to garner votes. Even Clinton, who was a supporter of "change", now admits he underestimated the negative backflow of Obamacrap.

Most in DC thought the torch & pitchfork crowd marching against Obamacrap would die down by now but the anger never went away and has only become stronger. Lately it has been fueled by the problems with finding health insurance for children. That has led to more name calling by HHS Shebullshits and Obummer claiming the insurance companies are the bad guys.

No one is buying that line.

Obummer has a backyard meeting this afternoon set for this afternoon in (I think) NM. Problem is, not many are showing up.

This guy is so screwed. Even his cabinet is about to abandon ship.