Health Insurance Numbers Then and Now...

Steph I'm in Dallas and average $30/app. (I used to say $25, tater told me to check, and DANG IT, he was right.)

200 new apps between 11/15 and 2/15 is doable if you have the people coming in.
Kgmom, thanks for the input. Im in Austin and it's been pretty steady so far- I don't know if I'll hit 200 by 2/15 but I'm sure as hell trying! I appreciate the feedback and insight, this forum has been very helpful for a newbie like me.
Steph, congrats on joining the insurance industry!! I started as a carrier rep and recently accepted a position with an agency, working as a benefits broker - I'm loving it!! Out of curiosity, where do you find leads, or what is your approach that closes business for you?