Health Insurers Get Upper Hand

It's "put" out of their misery, ins.dave, not "take" out of their misery. You should be glad that functional illiterates can still make a 6-figure income in America.

The "spell check police officer" position has been filled for some time now by our mutual friend Arn. Try and keep up?

I'm subbing for Al today, while he's busy making his 7-figure income.

Pfffffffffffff. Doing what? Nursing his wife?

By the way, I make a 6-figure income also. Have for the last 30 years.

So what???

Gay male escorting does not qualify on this forum.

Money is never the mark of a man -- but rather, what's in his heart. For most of us anyway. Yours seems empty at best.

Perhaps you could utilize that in one of your add campaigns?

"The only people that matter, people with money...". What's that all about? It's a mind-boggling statement. It's actually mindless. Now I'm beginning to see why al3 and a few others have so much fun slamming this kind of nonsensical dribble.

Being a broke wanna be; you wouldn't understand.

I believe Jesus talked about your kind once -- when he was cleansing the temple and castigating the Pharisees for their hypocracy. Perhaps it should be re-translated as "castrate" rather than "castigate", just in case this sick brand of hyper-materialism spreads to another generation.

Ughhhhhhhh, another clown with Jesus on his team. Do you and Mr. Bill hold hands while attending Mass together?

From what I'm reading, professional help is seriously overdue. Please take a ride in the one-way rubber truck -- soon -- and do the USA a big favor. Perhaps a full-frontal lobotomy would help.

Your thoughts on single malt vs. a blended scotch?

Thanks a lot for being such a good citizen in this "shinning city on the hill", and caring so much for the least among us!

Only the strong survive. As it should and must be. The prognosis for you I'm afraid ... how do I say this as not to offend ...?
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ins.dave -- before calling it a day here on earth, just wanted to say that I hope the binary sunset on your planet is as beautiful as old sol is here in this solar system.

It's been a fantastic day on terra firma and in the good 'ol USA --

we're one step closer to a public option healthcare reform bill...

...and it's now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Neanderthal gene isn't regressive after all. Science is in your everlasting debt!

In fact, a Nobel prize for Humanity is probably being delivered right now. Please tell Elvis we all love and miss him.

Well, it's probably time now for you go out, and look at that gorgeous binary sunset before it slips behind the mountains... know, those towering peaks just east of Topeka --

the ones nobody else except you can see.

Buenas noches!

ins.dave -- before calling it a day here on earth, just wanted to say that I hope the binary sunset on your planet is as beautiful as old sol is here in this solar system.

It's been a fantastic day on terra firma and in the good 'ol USA --

we're one step closer to a public option healthcare reform bill...

...and it's now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Neanderthal gene isn't regressive after all. Science is in your everlasting debt!

In fact, a Nobel prize for Humanity is probably being delivered right now. Please tell Elvis we all love and miss him.

Well, it's probably time now for you go out, and look at that gorgeous binary sunset before it slips behind the mountains... know, those towering peaks just east of Topeka --

the ones nobody else except you can see.

Buenas noches!



Now that's funny …?
Such creativity … we are not worthy … get Spielberg on the horn.

The U.S. will get socialized (public option being phase one towards) medicine when you start to make real money in the insurance industry. Elvis says that you're still an ***. Buck up hotlanta; you and Al still have your wives' incomes to rely on …



Thank you man … ah thank you very much.

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Buenos dias, senor ins.dave!

(Get used to's called "multi-culturalism").

Oops. Sorry! Didn't mean to use a word with more than one syllable. As a member in good standing of the "Party of NO", I understand your one-syllable limitations and mentality. NO is even one letter shorter than, YES. You guys always take the easy, low-road way out, don't you?

Hope your morning coffee is tasty on the planet Xenos, even though I hear the cups are always half-empty there.

Seems the Hubble telescope has finally located the galaxy you inhabit. Not unlike our own spiral Milky Way -- except what's with the sprial swastika shape? Astronomers (and hopefully the FBI) will have a field day over your little corner of the universe for years to come.

Rumor has it that all your close friends get free health care on the "public option". You skinheads must really love that Leavenworth clinic!

But, let's get serious for a minute, ins.dave -- what's with the "Only the strong survive. As it should and must be." nonsense?

That's antiquated 19th century bologne called "Social Darwinism". That pant load philosophy was debunked over a century ago by Teddy Roosevelt, one of your Republican Party heroes.

Guess the Little Golden Book of US History hasn't made it to Kansas yet.

Anyway, ins.dave, gotta run and earn my six-figure income. Just please don't forget that when your welfare check arrives later today, it's from "big government".

Try to give some amount of thanks to the liberals in Washington -- that at least you can make your trailer payment on time.

Buenos dias, senor ins.dave!

(Get used to's called "multi-culturalism").

Oops. Sorry! Didn't mean to use a word with more than one syllable. As a member in good standing of the "Party of NO", I understand your one-syllable limitations and mentality. NO is even one letter shorter than, YES. You guys always take the easy, low-road way out, don't you?

Hope your morning coffee is tasty on the planet Xenos, even though I hear the cups are always half-empty there.

Seems the Hubble telescope has finally located the galaxy you inhabit. Not unlike our own spiral Milky Way -- except what's with the sprial swastika shape? Astronomers (and hopefully the FBI) will have a field day over your little corner of the universe for years to come.

Rumor has it that all your close friends get free health care on the "public option". You skinheads must really love that Leavenworth clinic!

But, let's get serious for a minute, ins.dave -- what's with the "Only the strong survive. As it should and must be." nonsense?

That's antiquated 19th century bologne called "Social Darwinism". That pant load philosophy was debunked over a century ago by Teddy Roosevelt, one of your Republican Party heroes.

Guess the Little Golden Book of US History hasn't made it to Kansas yet.

Anyway, ins.dave, gotta run and earn my six-figure income. Just please don't forget that when your welfare check arrives later today, it's from "big government".

Try to give some amount of thanks to the liberals in Washington -- that at least you can make your trailer payment on time.



Why you I otta …!!!

I don't remember telling you which political party I am or am not registered with.

"Multi-culturalism?" What's not to love about it?
Giovanni does a bang up job on my lawn.
Consuela is a top notch cleaning lady.

What's with all the outer worldly analogies? You some kind of treky or something?

"Only the strong survive" is a statement espousing the virtues of the free market, monitored, not restricted or manipulated by govt.
Bail outs, etc. are not part of the program. You do it right, better than most or you get eliminated.
We don't believe in waste or irresponsibility or rewarding mediocrity. To all you scammers and side steppers. Yeah, we've got to put up with you, but you ain't gonna be live'n La Vida Loca at our expense. Enjoy your hotdogs and substandard healthcare (medicaid) which is more than some of you deserve.

That's the problem with you victims, you're always quick to jump to conclusions and look for a politically safe ideology to hide behind. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is "the enemy" and therefore belongs to the evil neo con trash heap right winged Nazi party.
Please Javier, don't despair?
Sooner or later a great warrior will come from a far away land spreading the wealth to all regardless of how much of it they do or do not generate. I just know it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
atlantainsguy and Al seem to write exactly the same.


Yeah, but unlike Al, this enchilada is obnoxious and stupid.
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Oops. Sorry! Didn't mean to use a word with more than one syllable. As a member in good standing of the "Party of NO",

Looks like the Party of Yes is saying No to Obama. Why is that? 1) George Bush? 2)Inherited? 3)Waterloo? Just use one or more of those three democratic leggos to construct a sentance.

Example: Those who want to preserve the policies we inherited from George Bush are trying to use health reform as Obama's Waterloo.

This type of response from the dems is of course preferable to: "Holy Shoot, we have a dem president, a dem house, a dem senate and the drug companies and the carriers on our side and we still cant get public support for our half-arsed plan, whatever it might be.
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Looks like the Party of Yes is saying No to Obama. Why is that? 1) George Bush? 2)Inherited? 3)Waterloo? Just use one or more of those three democratic leggos to construct a sentance.

Example: Those who want to preserve the policies we inherited from George Bush are trying to use health reform as Obama's Waterloo.

This type of response from the dems is of course preferable to: "Holy Shoot, we have a dem president, a dem house, a dem senate and the drug companies and the carriers on our side and we still cant get public support for our half-arsed plan, whatever it might be.


Doesn't it seem like they blew a chance to improve things?
Instead of trying to "reform" or tighten up some of the cracks in the private system; they pull a 360 and try to do a back door phase out.
Now, the public knows what they were up to, more than half of them disagree with it, knows that they were being set up and with the trust factor out the window the chance that they could have done some good is shot to hell.
I don't get frigg'n Dean. As a doctor, this guy should know all to well what a mess that would have been. "Public plan." This rancor for the ins. industry. They all hate it, but they hate the govt. just a little more. "Competition." That is so intellectually insulting it's obscene.
The only thing good in this for me is seeing that not everyone in this country is a delusional romantic.
I don't think the insurance companies are doing any happy dances just yet.

The Democrats are going to get something through. It may not be the layer upon layer upon layer of bureaucracy they've been dreaming of, but I'll bet at least parts of it have teeth. Obama would be too damaged if they didn't.

And I can almost guarantee that it will include some kind of back door to Single Payer. Obama, Reid, Peloisi, Frank, Dean and the rest have all made it clear that they want Single Payer, and they're not going to stop now. They know that this is their chance to explode the bureaucracy, to grab much more control over our lives.

The Great Government Takeover of 2009/2010!
