Health,Life, + 6&63 Licensed, Now What?

Healthguy your post is great timing...I currently earn the majority of my income from the securities side of my licenses....And am looking to build up the inusrance side and dump my securities registration...I'm tired of the additional regulatory burden on my non securities business because I hold a series 6...You B/D is responsible to superives you in everything you do...want to sell LTC insurance better make sure you put it on your annual declaration of outside business activities...want to sell an EIA...not so fast can only sell the products on our approved list and the commission run through the B/Ds grid...
Equity Indexed Annuity....that example may now be a moot point as it seems they may all become security products...I guess my point is I know my clients have mortgages and p&c insurance and they have cell phones and man they should have a will and living will but I can not be an expert at everything, I'm not saying to not use your security registration but I think you'll find that most B/Ds have a minimum of production require you to carry there crappy e&o have monthly fees and if you're not in this realm full time then the first rep that is full time will be able to dimish not only what you do in the mutual fund sale but also in your health area....
Who on the forum regrets letting their variable licenses lapse and why? I need both perspectives....