Health Reform Subsidy Calculator

I'm here in Florida, 39 male, healthy with income over 100k. My premium would be $3500 year. Now, I'm with the Blue's, 5k HSA and $0 coinsurance for $120 per month or $1440 per year. Thanks, Obummer:mad:
I'm here in Florida, 39 male, healthy with income over 100k. My premium would be $3500 year. Now, I'm with the Blue's, 5k HSA and $0 coinsurance for $120 per month or $1440 per year. Thanks, Obummer:mad:

I'm currently with Humana HSA w/ $3500 deductible for $95/month. Projected premium $2637/year, which is $219.75/month, or an increase of about 140%. No subsidy for me since I'm "rich"

I can only imagine being a family making $100k looking at an annual premium of $1,280/month with no subsidy when they might be paying $400/month now. Jesus.
My concern is the "Medical Loss Ratio" that is part of the reconciliation bill, which will be implemented in 2011. From what I see, 80 cents on every premium dollar must be paid in claims. Anything less than that will be refunded to the policy holders. The average "MLR" for IHP is 74%. It seems that our commissions will def. be hit. However, with the anticipated rate increase, we will be selling larger annual premium policies and will probably see more clients and no declines or riders. Hopefully, that will make up the difference in a commission cut. Also, we should start cross selling critical care, accident riders and life insurance. I guess we will have to wait and see how this unfolds. It doesn't seem, so far, that we will be working for peanuts. We shall see:skeptical: