Marketplace Status for 2016

Can anyone else confirm that is only showing the NET premium after subsidy? It has stopped showing what the subsidy amount is at the top of the page...and what the pre-subsidy premium is, in smaller print, immediately below the net premium for each plan.

Wish I knew how to put a screen-shot here, to prove I'm not imagining things!
December 1, 2015

I've already had 2 clients tell me this week that when they called to report a change, or ask a question, the employee attempted to start a new application, rather than do what was requested, or answer a simple question.

Due to low enrollment, these people at are bored stiff and desperate! It will be a joy knowing that they're out of a job after next election.

People are panicking because they're only reading the news media headline, or e-mail subject line, that says: "December 15th is the Deadline!".

There are situations where people need to get migrated to a plan that contains their physician(s) for January 1st...or are actually losing coverage all-together on 12.31.2015. But for others, missing the 12.15.2015 deadline for 1.1.2016 coverage is not a big deal.

People are panicking because they're only reading the news media headline, or e-mail subject line, that says: "December 15th is the Deadline!".

There are situations where people need to get migrated to a plan that contains their physician(s) for January 1st...or are actually losing coverage all-together on 12.31.2015. But for others, missing the 12.15.2015 deadline for 1.1.2016 coverage is not a big deal.

Try telling them that when they're getting constant e-mails and texts from telling them the world ends on 12/15!
Monday, 1.25.2016

The Federal Govt is still shut down today, after the huge Fri-Sat east coast Snowstorm.

Isn't the call center located in Washington D.C. and staffed by Federal Employees? A client says she spoke to one of them yesterday.
It's in the benefit package.......vacation days, sick days, and 2 weeks of snow days (can be used until August)

You forgot the key benefit included in that package-screw over independent agents every day, it will make your pathetic life feel more powerful.