Just looking to generate some discussion on this scenario. I always like to see how "seasoned" agents look at things and find that your recommendations help me learn quite a bit. Ok here are some basics, hopefully its enough info to at least generate some conversation/ideas. Single female, age 62 has a mutual fund worth $86,000 (previously was $120,000). Wants to get this money out of the market. Is planning on working until age 66 (enjoys what the are doing and has no plans to stop, health permitting might actually work to 70). At which time they will start taking SS. They don't necessarily need the income from this money (no debt, no mortgage, very low expenses) and have talked about leaving it there indefinitely. But would like the option to have access to it if they need to. Just want to here what other agents would do and how they would approach this. I'm curious what other questions you would ask? What product and carrier would you recommend and why? Look forward to hearing what you guys think.