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Remember that HHS/Marketplace employee who posted here in the forum for a few weeks in Feb/March? He echoed what HHS training was telling him about agents. To summarize the gist of his posts: Agents RARELY deserve to be paid for plans purchased through the Exchange. Also, other forum members have recently said that Marketplace employees are becoming outright HOSTILE towards Agents. The trend we're seeing in recent regulations and conversations with Health Insurers is that HHS wants FULL CONTROL and exclusive autonomy with exchange purchases and purchasers. All the evidence thus far indicates that agents/brokers are being squeezed out of the process. We'll see how "agent friendly" the 2015 CMS training will be in July. Although what's said in training really means nothing if HHS is out to get rid of us. We can be utilized on the front-end and kicked to the curb later, like they did with the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) program in 2012. HHS/CMS employees read this forum. The harder we are on the agency, the harder they'll be on us. ac
Very frustrating considering the people hired to help these consumers enroll for coverage are not licensed, no background check, and from what I've experienced, they have none ... experience or knowledge of insurance. The last customer service rep I spoke with at the Marketplace (on a conference call with a client) was referring to the MEDICAL deductible as the "Medicare Deductible"...
Agents are being pushed out why???
If I could post or count the number of clients who were so grateful once they found an agent (that may or may not get paid for getting the job actually done) after they have been put through the ringer through the Marketplace/Navigators...
This honestly makes me sick.