HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014


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FEDERAL BUREAUCRATS have officially begun the task of designing the 2014 health insurance plans.

REF: Feds Draft Basic Benefits Package Under Health Care Law | Fox News

They want the "basic" (Bronze?) policy to provide good benefits that don't cost much. How often do we heart THAT from prospects, LOL. I smell a horrible PCIP-like plan in the making, complete with rock-bottom medcaid reimbursement rates to medical providers.

Obama's back-door strategy for achieving 100% socialized government-owned healthcare in this country is moving along right on schedule. If the Supreme Court rules the Individual Mandate as un-constitutional, but keeps everything else in tact, we'll see ObamaNation Universal Care implemented in 2014, instead of just plain old Obamacare.
Re: HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014 ;-()

"In this day and age, when we are talking about fiscal responsibility, it's a report that recognized that we have to take [COLOR=blue !important][FONT=arial, sans-serif][COLOR=blue !important][FONT=arial, sans-serif]account[/FONT][/FONT][/color] of what we can afford

They did not spell out a list of services to cover, but they did recommend that the government require evidence of cost effectiveness.

Do these two things mean the government gets to decide if my required surgery is cost effective...Is that another way of saying since I'm an old man my expensive surgery is not cost effective as I won't be contributing back to the economy?

I also love the part that says they want the essential services to provide services that are currently not normally covered but its still going to come in at the same costs employers are paying now.........hummmm

P.S. Just as a side note, I live in a wonderful state that already allows for GI and even we do not go this far with our mandates and its already too expensive.

Re: HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014 ;-()

To All: Isnt Allen Dead ON here:

If the Supreme Court rules the Individual Mandate as un-constitutional, but keeps everything else in tact, we'll see ObamaNation Universal Care implemented in 2014, instead of just plain old Obamacare.
Re: HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014 ;-()

I think the SC will realize the mandate it is an integral part of the bill and will kill everything, if they rule that way. However, the ruling will be 5-4 in favor of Obamacare which is why I tell everyone to get out of the indie health market now.
Re: HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014 ;-()

To All: Isnt Allen Dead ON here:

If the Supreme Court rules the Individual Mandate as un-constitutional, but keeps everything else in tact, we'll see ObamaNation Universal Care implemented in 2014, instead of just plain old Obamacare.

That's their plan. Can't have GI without the mandate. Especially with the proposed "penalties" being less than the premiums. Look at Massachusetts. Have family who lived there until recently who said they had friends who just paid the penalty until they needed to go to the doc, signed up for ins then dropped it after they got what they needed to done. Crazy!
Re: HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014 ;-()

"The panel's rough estimate put annual premiums for individual coverage under the plan at $5,500 to $7,000 in 2014, comparable to what employers pay now"

Only $500-600/mo for individual coverage? What a great deal! I'm sure people will be waiting in line to sign up for that.
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Re: HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014 ;-()

Only $500-600/mo for individual coverage? What a great deal! I'm sure people will waiting in line to sign up for that.

So the cost of an individual plan is what people are bitching about paying now on a group platform? LOL

Of course, that's pre-subsidy, so to make it affordable taxes will need to be raised appropriately. This is going to be fun.

Popcorn stock should go through the roof waiting for the USSC ruling.
Re: HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014 ;-()

That's their plan. Can't have GI without the mandate. Especially with the proposed "penalties" being less than the premiums. Look at Massachusetts. Have family who lived there until recently who said they had friends who just paid the penalty until they needed to go to the doc, signed up for ins then dropped it after they got what they needed to done. Crazy!

You know GI without a mandate can work....BUT you have to allow the Carrier to not cover Pre-ex conditions for a period of time if you have a break in coverage over so many days...But then again thats how it works in Maine or should I say doesn't work in Maine.
Re: HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014 ;-()

People need to know this! $500 to $600 per month for a diluted, entry-level, Bronze plan is what a committee of untrained pencil pushers are designing for the country's populace. Spread it on every forum you visit.

To be honest, if this PPACA ends up being implemented in 2014 as planned, most people will decide to buy cheaper health insurance on their own. They'd be far better off financially without an exchange product and accompanying subsidy. (BTW, accepting the subsidy opens your bank account to the IRS, as they see fit...gulp!)

Those with pre-existing conditions will go to the exchange. That's who this PPACA should have been targeted to help in the first place. Just 200 or less pages of legislation would have done the trick.