HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014

Re: HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014 ;-()

I thought private exchanges with pre ex and non formulary plans would not be allowed? Anyone wanna clarify this piece of crap legislation?
Re: HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014 ;-()

I thought private exchanges with pre ex and non formulary plans would not be allowed? Anyone wanna clarify this piece of crap legislation?

Ask Nancy Pelosi:

Re: HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014 ;-()

To be honest, if this PPACA ends up being implemented in 2014 as planned, most people will decide to buy cheaper health insurance on their own. They'd be far better off financially without an exchange product and accompanying subsidy. (BTW, accepting the subsidy opens your bank account to the IRS, as they see fit...gulp!)

Those with pre-existing conditions will go to the exchange. That's who this PPACA should have been targeted to help in the first place. Just 200 or less pages of legislation would have done the trick.

Except in the people's republic of Kalifornia. Out here, the PPACA-compliant laws (SB900 and AB1602) require that IFP carriers can only sell the 4 precious metals plans in OR out of the exchange, and cannot undercut the exchange premium outside of the exchange. And they can't sell the catastrophic plan outside unless they also sell it inside.
Re: HHS is Now DESIGNING Health Insurance for 2014 ;-()

You know GI without a mandate can work....BUT you have to allow the Carrier to not cover Pre-ex conditions for a period of time if you have a break in coverage over so many days...But then again thats how it works in Maine or should I say doesn't work in Maine.

In Maine's model, what is the commission rate for IFP?
I love this sentence in the article that AllenChicago posted, "Few small employer plans currently offer comprehensive mental health coverage, for example. As such services are added, the total cost of the package should stay within a realistic budget target to be set by the administration." Hmmmm... let me see if I understand this correctly. HHS is dreaming about the core benefits in their lowest cost plan (the Bronze plan), already set to cost $450 to $580 a month ($5500 to $7000 annually), and they think they are going to add better mental health benefits? Yea, for sure. Maybe they need to see the psych right now. I guess if they have unlimited funds from our taxpayer wallets, why not dream on.