HHS Issues Update on PPACA’s Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) Program


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HHS Issues Update on PPACA’s Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) Program | Healthcare Exchange

"As an aside, the PCIP Program will no longer be available as of January 1, 2014, when the PPACA provision prohibiting insurers from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions will go into effect."

"Unfortunately, many experts believe the PCIP Program has delivered mixed results. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that about four million individuals had pre-existing exclusions preventing them from obtaining health insurance. Initial estimates projected that 200,000 Americans would actually enroll in the program. In June of 2011, due to the low number of individuals signing up, the Obama Administration lowered the eligibility standards and cost of coverage as an enticement to increase enrollment. Although the revised premiums and eligibility standards did help increase enrollment, the total numbers did not hit the initial predictions. As of October 31, 2012, 94,458 individuals had signed up for the PCIP Program. California boasts the highest number of participants at 13,584, whereas Alaska has the fewest participants at 42. Both Massachusetts and Vermont are guarantee issue states, and have very few participants."
So, let's list some facts:

1. The huge Obamacare legislation is meant to insure the uninsured (about 30 million)
2. PCIP was meant to insure the uninsured who have pre-existing conditions and no other coverage for 6 months.
3. The govt estimated that 4 million qualified for PCIP.
4. The govt estimated that 200,000 (5%) would enroll
5. So far 94,458 have enrolled (2.36%).
6. Price isn't the problem, because PCIP is pretty well priced
7. Benefits aren't the problem, because PCIP benefits are similar to plans in the market.
8. Agents aren't the problem, because PCIP used agents for a time to spike enrollment (then dumped us), and agents generally like PCIP.
So, let's list some facts:

1. The huge Obamacare legislation is meant to insure the uninsured (about 30 million)
2. PCIP was meant to insure the uninsured who have pre-existing conditions and no other coverage for 6 months.
3. The govt estimated that 4 million qualified for PCIP.
4. The govt estimated that 200,000 (5%) would enroll
5. So far 94,458 have enrolled (2.36%).
6. Price isn't the problem, because PCIP is pretty well priced
7. Benefits aren't the problem, because PCIP benefits are similar to plans in the market.
8. Agents aren't the problem, because PCIP used agents for a time to spike enrollment (then dumped us), and agents generally like PCIP.

welp... sounds like it worked as expected.... whats the problem?
So, let's list some facts:

1. The huge Obamacare legislation is meant to insure the uninsured (about 30 million)
2. PCIP was meant to insure the uninsured who have pre-existing conditions and no other coverage for 6 months.
3. The govt estimated that 4 million qualified for PCIP.
4. The govt estimated that 200,000 (5%) would enroll
5. So far 94,458 have enrolled (2.36%).
6. Price isn't the problem, because PCIP is pretty well priced
7. Benefits aren't the problem, because PCIP benefits are similar to plans in the market.
8. Agents aren't the problem, because PCIP used agents for a time to spike enrollment (then dumped us), and agents generally like PCIP.

So why are agents safe in this brave, new world?
Well PCIP may not have hit the enrollment mark but I bet the program lost a buttload of money.

OTOH, Cash for Clunkers was a resounding success.

690,000 old beaters off the road
$3 billion in taxpayer money to fund rebates
4.5 million tons of shredded residue

Shredding vehicles results in its own environmental nightmare. For each ton of metal produced by a shredding facility, roughly 500 pounds of "shredding residue" is also produced, which includes polyurethane foams, metal oxides, glass and dirt. All totaled, about 4.5 million tons of that residue is already produced on average every year. Where does it go? Right into a landfill.

E Magazine states recycling just the plastic and metal alone from the CARS scraps would have saved 24 million barrels of oil. While some of the "Clunkers" were truly old, many of the almost 700,000 cars were still in perfectly good condition. In fact, many that qualified for the program were relatively "young," with fuel efficiencies that rivaled newer cars.

Obama's 'Cash For Clunkers' Unleashed 'Environmental Nightmare'
So, did you hear the story of the O-H-I-O PCIP plan?

the states runs their own PCIP so they can control it.....so they thought.
They enrolled 14 people that were deemed to have insufficient limited benefit plans with Amer Medical.(not creditable coverage)
HHS says they can't be on PCIP OHIO, and will deny all claims sent in for these 14 VERY sick people, because they were not UN-insured for 6 months.

Palin was right........there are death panels