HHS Issues Update on PPACA’s Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) Program

I thought HHS made changes in late 2011 that attempted to boost PCIP participation due to having egg on their face from anemic enrollment nationwide.

Now they decide to screw 14 individuals by cancelling their coverage retroactively? What jerks! Hopefully, most of the medical bills have already been paid. I doubt that HHS will attempt to recoup money that's been paid to medical providers... but ya never know. Wonder if these 14 people will get retroactive premium refunds?
HHS lowered rates in several states due to missing the mark on enrollment. It was about that time they decided to pay broker finder fees.

If they wanted to boost enrollment the plan either should have been free or pay the finders fee to enrollee's.

DC couldn't sell life rafts from a neon lighted booth on the Titanic.