Hi Folks! Newbie on board with a few ??

Yep, your right.

Health Insurance is a game that I almost got involved in (Design Benefit Plans) but for whatever reason did not follow through.

My interests in order of preference are:

Financial Advisor (Life, P&C, Annuities, Mutual Funds, Retirement Plans)
(Prudential, MetLife, Smith Barney, etc)
Health Insurance
(Design Benefit Plans)

Lets see what happens with the second Pru interview next week. They only pay a training salary of $400-$600 per week for 10 weeks, but whatever is leftover after the 10 weeks is doubled, $1k added to it, and it's put into your draw account. Anything over $3600 is paid out every two weeks, along with the $1200 base. Once the draw account is empty (i.e. if your not producing), you get nothing.

I think my focus, if I go that route, would be knocking on the doors of the gajillion small businesses near me in the Inland Empire of SoCal. I would think that there is a fairly decent market there for all lines, assuming that the ones I visit speak english.
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