Hi from So Cal

Sweetheart, Sid's been dead for years.

Loved him, though.

Drugs, though, are pathetic.

Anyone other than me watching Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew online? Amazing stuff. Hard to believe, though....
Talk about coming from left field regarding a comparison of Biafra and Rotten. Where exactly does Sid come into play?

Perhaps in your neck of woods men refer to each other as sweetheart, but that type of stuff should be kept private on a public forum.
Frank Nasty -- that would be a great punk rocker name. Sid Vicious and Frank Nasty ;)

Now, remember the porn star naming rules:

You first name is your first pet's name and last name is the street you grew up on.

In my case, my porn star name would be "Brit Main".

I've heard this rule before, but I always thought if I became a porn star (and I'm still just an amateur), my "stage name" would be -
Duncan Goldenrod.
Of course there are rules in the porn biz...

The number one rule is don't get any on the camera.

As for my porn name...

Filmore Redwood

I missed my calling
You won't believe this, but my porn name would have to be Dick Unbelievably Huge. That's the honest truth. My first dog was "dick" and I lived on a street with a long (no pun intentended) name.

Who would have thought?

Good one Rick. I think at your age though your porn name would be Harry Long Nuts. :D

And I have been watching Celebrity Rehab. I thought Rico was gonna freak out when he first got there.