Best place to get a formulary will be the prescription benefit manager.
Some carriers manage Rx in house and don't use a PBM. Try finding the PBM on carrier sites. That's a real challenge.
Interesting that you say this new requirement is part of Obamacare. In a different thread an agent said one of his clients said PAP's were going away due to Obamacare.
Lot's of misinformation out there.
the systems were not set up to give each other the deductible information. I get that its 2 different systems. I get that its not real time. But they should be able to do it when required. Like this woman, who has met $3K in medical already and her chemo is $1K/day. I can't get the system updated so she doesn't have to pay past Wednesday.
In a perfect world . . . .
Claims, including Rx, are not adjudicated and matched in real time with the EOB system. It is not unusual for a policyholder to have to pay above their deductible and then get reimbursement. This is especially true when medical claims and Rx claims all funnel toward the deductible.