How Are YOU Using the Wedge for P&C?


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was wondering if you guys would share,

how you are using the wedge to help get your P&C competition fired?

what service and pain are you guys using? I've been trying the annual review to see if you have adequate insurance so you are covered, but seems too relaxed and not much of a line...
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I've read Randy's material but haven't been to any of his classes. I have a hard time actually using any of his stuff line for line its more of a loose guide. Every situation, person and conversation so don't expected to use it word for word.

I think the main take away thats helped me from his material is the idea of firing the incumbent and getting the commitment from the prospect. Questioning in depth about their current relationship with their guy can lead to many opportunities to find pain. Some people don't want annual reviews or payroll reviews, sometimes its as simple as someone not returning phone calls or being rude.

Regardless the Wedge and experience has taught me that breaking that relationship is your number one objective and if someone isn't willing to commit to the idea of that change then its not worth quoting.
I do a "free insurance check up" to see if they have the proper coverage. Usually they don't and if they do, most of the time I can beat their price. To show someone that they are not properly covered, that gets them irritated. I actually have a TV commercial, in it we basically ask them to make sure they are covered properly. YOu would be surprised, 70% of the businesses in my area are underinsured and they have no idea. THey just buy what their car insurance agent told them they needed.
yeah, i have beaten very close to 99% of the policies i reviewed in price and coverage.

Its getting them to show me the policy the hard part. The wedge doesnt really work in my market lol. They have no loyal to anyone, just price. you make it cheaper i goto you.

they are sooo pettty for 20 bucks they will leave!.

anyways, i call get to the owner and get xdate, just having hard time implementing wedge. i keep getting rolled 50% of the them and the other 50% i close maybe 80%.
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If people in your market are that price driven, implementing the wedge is dependent on person actually caring about service and coverage. If they want neither its pretty hard to differentiate yourself from the incumbent.

Try to find the markets and clients that care about this stuff, chances are they pay better too with being less of a headache. They exist but of course are tough to find. However down the road one great client like this is worth 20 bad ones.