How do you compete with established companies?


How do you all compete with the businesses in your area that offer the same services as you? What do you do to get clients if there are multiple other companies that do the same thing in your area? One company near me has been established for 15 years, has 300 plus reviews, constantly nails the social media multiple times a day, has a radio show on a local station, has billboards, has TV do I even compete with that?
What they said.

And turn that dog around and you be the competition.

Fifteen years is nothing. I've got 50. And at the end of the day that means nothing.

Do things that they're not doing. Be different. DMail, DKnocks, whatever.

I use an old prospecting method called personal observation. If I see someone on the street that looks like they may be a prospect, I simply hand them a business card and introduce myself.

Personal observation with seniors is the easiest of all. If they have blue hair they are probably a prospect.