How Do You Manage Your Clients??


100+ Post Club
I was curious to see what some of you would recommend as far as CRM software to manage client information and relationships.

I have been told that "Redtail" as well as "Junxure" are excellent financial planning based systems, but from browsing both of these systems it seems like their geared more towards the "Investment only advisor". A system that doesn't put as much emphasis or weight on the life insurance aspects of the planning I've done with a clients is usless to me.

I appreciated all of your feedback
You may want to look at Your Insurance Office (YIO). It's what I use but I'm probably a little bias in my opinion. However, there are a lot of agents on the board who also like what it has done for their business.

A link to my website is shown below. The Demo is free and is the actual full-working version of the program. If you have questions please give me a call.
The IHIAA has a few really good CRM's to consider... They can give you feedback from other agents currently using each one.

You can call the John for more info at 410-874-7421 or you can check out the IHIAA website at .

Hope this helps.
Try Act! If you want to give Act a facelift and make it look more like a financial advisor package, add Act 4 Advisors (ACT! CRM for Financial Planners, Investment Advisors, and Insurance Professionals). It helps change ACT from thinking of business relationships to thinking of individuals as clients, and tracks the info you'll need.

It does leave out somethings, but you can modify it as needed without much work to track the additions. Also, you can put in an automation tool for marketing purposes.

I like I-Relay ( Online based, insurance focused, but still lets you input investment accounts under the client profiles. If you want to be able to view the updated account values each day, it won't do it. It isn't an issue for me as the B/D has a platform to view accounts for brokerage business and I use DST Vision for direct accounts.
awesome! you guys have given me several more options to look into that I have never heard of...Thanks a million! anyone else feel free to chime in with any others