How Do You Sell STC HHC?

I'm going to need to get good at selling home healthcare plans to seniors. The plans I want to sell are either 30, 60, 180, or 360 visits, and it is crucial for me to get through to the next open enrollment period in November.

I'm new to insurance, and I have a base presentation down, but I lack the ability to handle objections, and building the exclusive value of the plan I'm selling.

Any tips would be appreciated!
That is usually a waste of money for the consumer - only sell comprehensive LTC.

You will find that the few second tier carriers that do offer HHC only policies that the premiums are about the same for comprehensive LTC policies from first tier carriers such as John Hancock.
That is usually a waste of money for the consumer - only sell comprehensive LTC.

You will find that the few second tier carriers that do offer HHC only policies that the premiums are about the same for comprehensive LTC policies from first tier carriers such as John Hancock.


You'll most likely not find many suggestions in here for that product. Most professional agents don't sell that stuff.

Good luck getting started in the industry.