How do you compete with established companies?

I never thought about competing with anyone. I knew I only wanted to work on referrals so that is all I do. If someone is not referred, they don't call me. I'm not afraid to walk away or say that you are where you need to be. I am honest. I am knowledgeable and give them the facts and not "the mis-information " passed around. I started slowly and build steadily over the years.
Be yourself.
Be honest.
Be credible.
Believe in yourself
Never forget karma is around the corner just waiting.
You need to drink a lot of water! You should not be afraid to flirt a little. Drink 1 energy drink a day. Protein bars are important. Your hair is the most important thing. If you don't have nice hair then you're done. I'd also hit the tanning beds often. Good luck, I hope this helps.

Don't forget the wink. Start every conversation with a wink and a smile.
Oh, and call all the gals Babe.
You need to drink a lot of water! You should not be afraid to flirt a little. Drink 1 energy drink a day. Protein bars are important. Your hair is the most important thing. If you don't have nice hair then you're done. I'd also hit the tanning beds often. Good luck, I hope this helps.
My hair sucks so I wear a backwards baseball hat.

You need a good pump too. Do 30-40 pushups right before you go into your meetings. The sheen on your face combined with the stretch of your shirt makes clients sign immediately.
What sets your services apart from your competition is something special. Consider this: if two agents walk into a home, one is likely to be liked more than the other.

The same applies to companies; some people frequent Walmart because they love it, while others wouldn't shop there even if everything were 75% off. This phenomenon is known as goodwill. All companies possess goodwill, encompassing reputation, customer relationships, employee expertise, and proprietary technology. Individuals also have goodwill, and this factor will distinguish you from your competition.

Be Credible
Be Different
Be An Expert
Be Assertive
Be Reliable
Be Absolutely Certain
Be Willing to say I do not have the answer but can find out
Be Aggressive without pushy
Be willing to walk away; not every client is a good client - bad clients cost.
Be a good closer

If all these things make sense to you, and you try them all, and you see an uptick in your clients, would this make you happy?
How do you all compete with the businesses in your area that offer the same services as you? What do you do to get clients if there are multiple other companies that do the same thing in your area? One company near me has been established for 15 years, has 300 plus reviews, constantly nails the social media multiple times a day, has a radio show on a local station, has billboards, has TV do I even compete with that?
I have 5 long time 15+ year established agencies within 1 square mile of where I have an office. It's a competitive town.

Then at least 3 more long 15+ year established offices 5 miles north of me.

All of these places have 100+ Google reviews.

But guess what? I don't care.

I continue to market to my niche using my marketing methods and focus on what I can control. Sure it's good to be aware of what your competitors are doing but don't obsess over them.

So far I've only had to compete for business with them 1 time and it was because I recommended a sup product and they swooped in offering a giveback plan and all this other free shit and I had to explain to the guy what was really going on.