How Little Johnny Pays More Than Granny for Bronze

Bob's premium is $720 without the subsidy and $120 with the subsidy
So his subsidy is 5 times his gross premium
What do you think subsidies will do to the gross premiums at this rate particularly if the subsidy goes to the insurer
Don Levit
Bob's premium is $720 without the subsidy and $120 with the subsidy
So his subsidy is 5 times his gross premium
What do you think subsidies will do to the gross premiums at this rate particularly if the subsidy goes to the insurer
Don Levit

"IF the subsidy goes to the insurer".....??? Where else would the subsidy go??

Have another cup of coffee Don.:D
Bob's premium is $720 without the subsidy and $120 with the subsidy
So his subsidy is 5 times his gross premium
What do you think subsidies will do to the gross premiums at this rate particularly if the subsidy goes to the insurer
Don Levit

It will make subsidized people ignore the true gross cost of their insurance.
Bob's premium is $720 without the subsidy and $120 with the subsidy
So his subsidy is 5 times his gross premium
What do you think subsidies will do to the gross premiums at this rate? particularly if the subsidy goes to the insurer
Don Levit

Cause premiums to increase higher than they would without the rich subsidy, generating larger MLR refunds every year to the policyholders??