How Long Does Grandma Stay Alive? Ask Obama

Crabcake Johnny

5000 Post Club
Under the new proposed legislation, anyone who is considered terminal will need to obtain an "order regarding life sustaining treatment."

If you want to read just how scary that will be read from pages 425 through 434. Under this, the gov't will decide if it's financially prudent to allow end of life care.

"A program for orders for life sustaining treatment for a States described in this clause is a program that(I) ensures such orders are standardized and uniquely identifiable throughout the State; ''(II) distributes or makes accessible such orders to physicians and other health professionals that (acting within the scope of the professional's authority under State law) may sign orders for life sustaining treatment;provides training for health care professionals across the continuum of care about the goals and use of orders for life sustaining treatment; and ''(IV) is guided by a coalition of stakeholders includes representatives from emergency medical services, emergency department physicians or nurses, state long-term care association, state medical association, state surveyors, agency responsible for senior services, state department of health, state hospital association, home health association, state bar association,and state hospice association." (WTF? these policies regarding end of life care will be guiding by a coalition of stakeholders????)

But hey, it doesn't come right out and say they'll let people die...does it?

The level of treatment indicated under subparagraph (A)(ii) may range from an indication for full treatment to an indication to limit some or all or specified interventions. Such indicated levels of treatment may include indications respecting, among other items—16 ''(i) the intensity of medical intervention if the
17 patient is pulse less, apneic, or has serious cardiac
18 or pulmonary problems;19 '
'(ii) the individual's desire regarding transfer20 to a hospital or remaining at the current care set21
ting;22 ''(iii) the use of antibiotics; and 23 ''(iv) the use of artificially administered nutrition and hydration.''.

Under this clause, forget about the Schiavo battle. There is no battle since the gov't would have pulled the plug.

Perhaps they should consider that the most financially prudent thing to do is simply prevent life from forming at all.
Doctor to daughter:

"I'm very sorry but we applied for an order to administer life sustaining treatment and it was denied. Let me direct you to our department where you can make final arrangements."
Nurse to Doctor: Doctor - the patient just went into cardiac arrest.....

Doctor to Nurse: Call the hospital administrator stat....

Doctor to administrator: I have a patient that is in cardiac arrest, can I treat them or do I need to send in form 8732/4 rev 3 to get permission?

Administrator: Send in the form. Currently, the turnaround time is pretty good, we usually get an answer back the next business day.

Doctor: But today is Friday....

Administrator: We should have an answer Monday then.

Doctor: Okay, but Monday is a holiday.

Administrator: Oh, I forgot. I'll put my neck out approve putting the patient on ice, hopefully we'll get an answer on Tuesday, but they might be backed up.

Doctor: Ok, but what do I tell the family?

Administrator: Tell them we are doing everything we can, as fast as we can. Let them know that because of the new health care reform, they are covered for the treatment, but remind them they have a 20% copay. Also, let them know that because we have to limit administrative expenses, we cannot take credit cards, the fees are to expensive.

Doctor: Okay, got it, but should I submit the form first or talk to the family first?

Administrator: Doctor, do your duty. Your patient is dying. You need to fill out the form in a hurry and get it submitted. Always do the paperwork first!!!!
Doctor: Your father has been denied end of life treatment and has around 3 months to live, however you can file an appeal by filing out forms 4837-A and 38774-C.

Son: Ok, how long is the appeal process.

Doctor: Around 6 to 9 months.
Appeal is denied. You used form 38774-C, this has been superceded by form 38774-D. Please fill out the correct forms and we will reconsider your appeal. The estimated process time for this is 12 months from the time we receive the new request. Due to backlog, reapplications are handled as time permits, after initial applications.


But hey, I have to hand it to them, this will save money!

Grandma your hip replacement has been denied because it is too costly and there is so little return on our medical investment at your age.

Instead we have diverted those dollars to help maintain the eight preemie crack babies who have been up in the ICU for the last month. They have already cost 8 million and by the time they are all 21, they will cost another fifty million for the gunshot wounds, the prison sentances, the drug rehabs, the welfare payments, and (let's not forget this) the sleep apnea treatment for all of them. Undoubtedly some of them will want to have five or more kids in vitro like octomom so that can add up too.

Sorry about that hip grandma. We have to take steps to hold health costs down. I am sure you understand.
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Winter, you crack me up.

How about adding that the crack preemie care will be guaranteed for life as long as the mother signs them up now for Acorn --sorry I meant AmeriKorp.

Perhaps they should consider that the most financially prudent thing to do is simply prevent life from forming at all.

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Hey, where's al to chime in?
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