Arkansas and Missouri both have high risk pools and Missouri has a GI clause for all residents applying for health coverage. A company has to offer you something, but it's the price that makes it impossible. In Missouri we also have a optional 10% mark up for any/all plans to cover pre-x's.
Minnesota has a high risk pool, also very top notch. Rates are heavily subsidized, by state law, premiums can not be more than 25% above the average private market rate for a similar plan.
Maine has guaranteed issue and Anthem is the only major carrier but the DOI will not grant Anthem a rate increase despite the fact that it can demonstrate the obligatory claims loss rate. So Anthem in Maine is being subsidized by, for example, Anthem in California now.
Except that Anthem's rate hike in California is not going so well, and the state is going bankrupt. We also have Dirigo which is a state run public option, except that that went broke and has not accepted new enrollees in years.
Other than that we have a solid system. So good in fact that it is serving as a model for a national system. We are more "progressive" than you other states. Except maybe for Vermont. You can see Russia from the state capital there, or at least the commies.