How Many States Alreday Offer Insurance for Pre X

So it seems we can gleen from all these GI pools with limited or no underwriting is: THEY FAIL.

change we can believe in...
we can gleen from all these GI pools with limited or no underwriting is: THEY FAIL.

Of course they do.

If COBRA was accounted for separately it would fail too. Normal LR for COBRA is in the 120 - 130% range. Thanks to Obamabucks subsidizing the cost of COBRA the LR is running 160%+.

All the risk pools are subsidized in some form by tax dollars. Some states use premium taxes plus assessment of carriers to offset the premiums charged. So with 2 - 3 sources of funding minimum, they still don't take in enough money.

Obamacare has set aside $5 billion to float the risk pool until 2014 and the CBO has doubts if that will be enough.
As shown in the Kaiser chart posted by somarco, PA does not have any high risk pool per se. Blue Cross is the insurer of last resort; however, PA has established a state program called adultBasic with low premiums and a large waiting list. It has many limitations but is GI and does not cover Rx drugs (the PACE program does that). The premiums will double shortly.
North Carolina has a pretty good high risk pool for uninsurables.


Good. I think that with Obama's new plan for interstate enrollment in insurance, that Maine folks will be able to enroll in North Carolina's high risk pool. We appreciate that because our programs are broke now.
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Surely you jest.

Obama said they will come down the greater of $2500 or 3000%.

Yup, and if you like the plan you have you can keep it. Except we are doing everything we can to eliminate Medicare Advantage.

The good thing though is that it is going to lower the national debt so we will have lots of money left over to try other things too.
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Maine has guaranteed issue and Anthem is the only major carrier but the DOI will not grant Anthem a rate increase despite the fact that it can demonstrate the obligatory claims loss rate. So Anthem in Maine is being subsidized by, for example, Anthem in California now.

Except that Anthem's rate hike in California is not going so well, and the state is going bankrupt. We also have Dirigo which is a state run public option, except that that went broke and has not accepted new enrollees in years.

Other than that we have a solid system. So good in fact that it is serving as a model for a national system. We are more "progressive" than you other states. Except maybe for Vermont. You can see Russia from the state capital there, or at least the commies.

Change you can believe in.

Yes Maine is GI but Pre-existing conditions may not be covered for up to 1 year if the person has had a lapse in coverage of 90 days or more....Which isn't all that unreasonable its nuts to think you go to Doctors office today without insurance get diagnosed with ruptured discs requiring surgury sign up for coverage get surgery and then drop coverage. :)
Yes Maine is GI but Pre-existing conditions may not be covered for up to 1 year if the person has had a lapse in coverage of 90 days or more....Which isn't all that unreasonable its nuts to think you go to Doctors office today without insurance get diagnosed with ruptured discs requiring surgury sign up for coverage get surgery and then drop coverage. :)

Maine also has separate rates for male/female. But Obamacare does not allow. (I think).

Women consume more medical care then men but most women feel that is discrimnatory to charge more being female. (pelosid talkking about being a woman is a pre-existing condition etc) However, their rates are less for auto and life and you don't hear any bitching about that.

Is this a great country or what.