How many years do you call back?

Great story! Just shows the importance of being in the right place at the right time. Unless I felt someone was someone I didn't want to work with or told me to get lost I would keep on calling and drip marketing them.

It's nice when you hear them say, "I was just telling my wife we need to shop our insurance." It sucks when they say, "We JUST took care of that with a broker we found in the phone book!"

We have about 340 prospects from 2-5 years ago. Instead of calling them every year, we send flyers, first, then multimedia emails, then call them. we were able to flip 26 of them into group clients. Most of the small business. So not getting rich, just growing.
I work with a guy that just happened to be there when a prospect that he had been calling for about 5 years called him and actually needed a policy. He was a steel mill owner and my buddy didn't really know how much he was worth, but he came in needing $50 mill for key man insurance...the board was requiring it. Agent meade close to figures on that one.