How Much Time Spent on Administrative Vs. Sales

No GA will allow you to "just sell", at least if you want clients and not one shot buyers. There is no GA in the world I'm familiar with that will return the voicemails my clients leave (nor would I want them to), send out my client review letters, change my clients billing frequency, build my calling list for the next day, write out my "to-do" list each day, call my clients on their B-days, ect. There will always be service work, eventually you find a way to deal with it or get support staff (I'm not quite their yet, but look forward to that day!). This business in unnatural in that the more you produce, the more work you create for yourself.

You are partially correct, and confirmed it later in your text stating "or get support staff."

Let's address your thoughts:
  • Return the voicemails my clients leave: Absolutely your responsibility but I have, can and will do that for my agents as well if/when necessary. Clients have even called me (being "supervisor") when they can't get in touch with the agent.
  • Send out my client review letters: This can be automated and/or handled by admin staff.
  • Change my clients billing frequency: Not sure how much this comes up but it can be handled by admin staff.
  • Build my calling list for the next day: This is certainly your job in your case, but I take care of that for my main agents, their leads, appointments (other than ones they set from a call), etc.
  • Write out my "to-do" list each day: Your job, and it doesn't hurt to be held accountable by someone else or guided in what tasks you need to accomplish.
  • Call my clients on their B-days: This is the best tip you gave, kudos.
Here's the main issue I see. Many agents are thinking small business instead of big business. They say "I can't write ten apps a week, how would I handle it?" Well . . . hire someone who isn't worth what you're worth for selling!!

Meaning, selling makes you the most money, so sell!! If you're worth $200 an hour selling, pay someone $20 an hour to do the crap you shouldn't be doing.

If you think you have to (or maybe want to) do everything. This limits your potential for growth.
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Frank is dead on here!

"This business is about personal service, relationships and building renewals. Even more so in the senior market. I will go head to head any day with an agent who thinks the only thing that is important is the number of sales made each week, month or year."

This is why customer service is my company's way of life, not just some department of a big business where you're on hold til you die.

My dad always said "Worry about taking care of the customer and you'll never have to worry about the money, it takes care of itself."
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Frank is dead on here!

Um... I don't think you are saying that Frank is "dead" IN this venue... meaning quiet or non-existent. But that is what you wrote... or how it could be interpreted.

I believe you meant "dead-on." You are trying to use two words to create a meaning that neither word alone conveys, which is why you would (could/should) hyphenate it. Or you could have just quoted it as "dead on," however the hyphenated version would be clearer to more people in my opinion.

I'm convinced that the vast majority of agents on this board either never made it through high school or never graduated junior college. Thus, it is best that those who know correct grammar, use it as much as possible. It may serve as a tutorial for said agents.

Just a thought. YMMV.
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It is so much easier and less time consuming to provide a little service to an existing client than it is to have to go out and find a new one. I still have as clients people who I sold insurance to in 1993, my first year as an agent..

Right on, Frank.
just did a quick audit of my last 15 cases. 10 were referrals of clients, 5 were existing clients. Of those 5, I have written 4, more than once before. and only one of those households I have not written the spouse or kids, parents, brothers or sisters. And those 5 all came from orphans I had serviced for at least a year prior. Also in the 14 were 6 that are inventory (term). My lead cost was the service.

I do not want my people calling the HO for any service. Bene or PAC changes, Address updates or questions on their policy. Especially claims. I am their Insurance Agent.
BTW, Got to have a good CRM. YIO helps alot, Thanks!