How to Break into Home-Owners Market

It's definitely not a quick process. I used internet leads as one of several lead generation techniques. We also get leads from the carrier websites, mailers, networking group, our website, and a couple realtors/mortgage brokers I met at networking events.

Once you show the mortgage and escrow people that you can hunt down the client and get a policy in place in 12-24 hours, they'll call you back the next time they're down to the wire.

My internet leads were from Netquote. I have never had an issue turning in leads for credits. I regularly submit 25-33% of my monthly leads. How did you find out that they were paying people to fill out fake leads?
@Netquote-I got several leads and couldnt contact the persons by phone and never got a response by email, not even a "hey not interested stop emailing." On one occasion I went to the address physically and the person told me that they were hired over the internet to go onto Netquote sites and fill out information using fake phone numbers etc. They said they were paid per lead they filled out. They showed me the add they responded to and it was one of those "do you want to work at home and make money on the internet things," I was irrate. Also, another issue I had from them was they were purchasing leads from a 3rd party vendor "AARP" and sending them to me. I do not sell any "AARP" products so needless to say I did not want leads from a specific web site for another company. They refused to credit them stating they were people looking for insurance and that was a lead by their definition regardless of what site they went onto to get the lead. I refused to pay for the junk leads so they now have them on my credit report which I am disputing. You would think they would simply take the leads off to retain my business but they basically told me they would ruin my credit if i didnt pay and they didnt care if they retained my business. I was told they had several agents in line to take my place. Not a good experience at all.
And they probably do have other victims--new agents about to have their first internet lead buying experience--and suckers--agents hoping the next lead company is better than the last--waiting to buy.

For homeowners keep focusing on networking at realtor association meetings as well as home builder association meetings.

Either use your public records or a x-date service and identify homeowners who are most likely coming up on their renewal.

I heard about Company A having a rate increase and asked everyone I spoke with on Thursday if they knew anyone with Company A insurance and got four great referrals.

I have written homeowners in the past by asking if someone had a swimming pool. For those that said yes I asked how much liability coverage they have and when they ask why...well, you have a great chance to start a conversation that concludes with them agreeing they need a policy review.

Offer to print the color information sheets realtors put in houses for sale--of course, you get the back of the page to print a quote for the homeowner policy.

A few years ago I had to pick up my life sales to qualify for a bonus. I got in on a mortgage protection direct mail lead deal. Each month I cross-sold 8-10 home/auto packages as well as the life.

I hope some of this gets you to start thinking about different ways to stir up business--other than buying internet leads.
Secondcreek, thanks so much for the suggestions. The print out suggestion for realtors is a new one to me. I think the realtors here would be very interested in that idea.
I used to buy internet leads and I think they take up to much of your time and are not worth it. I have had the best luck trying to get a few realtors and loan officers to refer you and then hit them up with a $5 gas card or something.
Its worth to know about the home lead companies work better,I have commercial property and I am interested to invest after taking mortgage on behalf of my property.Good post.
Ive found that using social sites and networking to be most effective as it allows you to target the right people.