How to Break into Truckers Insurance

The following should assist you:

1) Have the lowest price all the time, they are a notoriously cheap bunch when it comes to insurance.

2) Assuming you don't have the lowest pricing each and every year be prepared to lose them, they will shop every renewal.

3) In between losing them each renewal be prepared to have a lot of service work. You'll need a good staff to keep up with it and to handle all the complaining and arguing they will do as well. Typically they think they know more about insurance than you do.

4) Watch your retention rates fall and your loss ratio increase. On the plus side you will be making some decent commission. (You'll need that extra money to fund the whiskey you will be driven to drink from the volatility of this market.)

Once you've read through this and if you are still inclined to chase this class of business then I wish you well...

We write a lot of truckers and logistics companies. Listen to this man. The truckers never understand the contractual agreements and it's a PITA.
Wow...some of this business sounds bad.

I think, i'll stay away (as a beginner) and leave to the one's that know.