- 17,057
I contacted some one that I knew from some previous business. I let her know that I was working with AIG American General now, and that she might want to take a look @ our life insurance. She told me she had life insurance. Naturally, I asked the details. She has a Primerica term policy. From the info she has given me, it appears that the Primerica agent outright lied to them about the details of the policy. According to her, the Primerica agent said they had a term policy that they would have forever and it would never go up in premium. I explained a bit about how term life worked. She regurgitated some Primerica propoganda that the agent said they should "buy term and invest the rest." I asked her if he had ever taught her how to "invest the rest." She assured me she would talk to her husband and have him call me.
Now, I really don't need their business. This is a hard working family with small kids, and I'd hate to see them get screwed. I'd like their business, but more than anything I just want them to realize they've got their life insurance in the wrong place. I gave her a quote based on the same level of coverage, which is about 6 bucks cheaper /mo. I don't know if that alone is worth their "hassle."
What facts should I present to them to make them realize that Primerica sucks.
I have a couple that I am writing this week that have had term with Primamerica for 20-years.
They feel like they pissed thier money away and didn't understand that their rate would keep going upwards. All they really wanted it for was final expense. Now they are starting over with the correct product for their need. The Primamerica agent is all over them trying to re-write again but they think Primamerica is the biggest crooks in the world.
I guess the best question to ask for the "buy term invest the difference" people is..."How has your investment gone for you so far?" Most of them are NOT investing the difference.