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How to Get Started


Hi all....

I've asked this question before and most replied by telling me to sit back and wait. That was the reply I got when I asked how do I learn about selling group health. What carriers are used, where do I get rates from, how do I learn the does and don'ts? I know Obama-Care is still unknown and not fully understood by all so maybe if you don't mind, you could tell me the basics of the old ways, before Obama-Care. Just figured that since I've gotten my feet wet in the Med. Supp. market there might be a time when I need to help someone out with a group plan.

Thanks a bunch.....

Find out what group carriers are in your market.
Contact those carriers and ask for an appointment.

That is your starting point.

You may have some difficulties, as the small group departments are on the way out.

Then you are going to have to learn how to prospect.

Then you are going to have to learn how to sell.

No one can teach that on a forum. It takes years of hearing "no" to build selling techniques, despite what anyone else tells you.

At this point in time, unless you have relationships in place with business owners it will be near impossible to sell group benefits.